Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Zach broke his arm last week. He was climbing on the rail on our porch (a normal activity for him) and when he jumped off he slipped on the ice below. Both bones in his right wrist are broken. We were pretty disappointed when he ended up with a cast that goes above his elbow. We had told him it would not be that big. Apparently little kids try to take their casts off so they go above the elbow to prevent this. I'm sure he would have tried at some point, so I guess we'll just deal with it. I feel really badly for him though, he can't even get his hand to his mouth, and he looked so uncomfortable last night when I was tucking him in. Zach is adapting well and I think he'll get through it ok. But he's not very happy that he can't ride his bike for 6 weeks!
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Audra said...

Poor little guy! I broke the same bones in my arm when I was in the
4th grade, it was a total party buster! Hope he gets better quick!

Kerri said...

Oh my gosh! The poor little guy. Now I know why you didn't go out this weekend....
Hope it heals quickly.