Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Bolg in Spurts

And this is why: I can't seem to keep up with things. My kitchen could look like this:

Which doesn't make me think I should stop everything and blog. (Thankfully this a random old picture from a few months ago. Today my kitchen is in pretty good shape)

My basement DOES look like this:

I started organizing the basement a few months ago. It was going really well. Then Christmas happened. Then I needed to get into a few baby clothes boxes. THAT turned into a disaster. So this is the current state of my basement. My goal for 2011 is to make it better. :)

I've caught up on my blog. AND on the gardening blog. So, if you feel like knowing what we've been up to for the last 5 MONTHS read on. But I won't be offended if you don't. I obviously didn't care enough to blog about it until now.

I'm going to go clean something.
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Olivia said...

I am the SAME way! But I am excited to read posts from you :)

Heidi said...

We've been missing you!!!! Glad to know I'm not the only one who has a kitchen that looks like that at times. Love you!

ZAC said...

I know your pain!!! It's nearly impossible to tackle projects with children underfoot. Once they're ALL in school, I'm having a HAYDAY!!! And I'm not feeling bad about it until then!

Kerri said...

I have missed your posts. I was happy to catch up today!

Every Star Is Different said...

Hello! It was so nice to receive your comment on my blog. I'll definitely start reading yours. I didn't even know you had one.

Sorry about your child's milk allergy. NOT FUN! Wanted to let you know, in case you didn't that my husband and I have launched Fun Without Food, an online support network for families of children with special dietary needs. Some posts are about coping with different aspects of the needs, and others are just ideas and recipes! I'd love it if you could share your experiences there when you get a chance! We want to create a HUGE support network and I'm sure you could help a lot of moms out there!

Can't wait to start reading your blog!

Every Star Is Different said...

By the way, you have ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE children!