Saturday, September 4, 2010

Crossing a River, Kindergarten, and a Fence

Zach wasn't in the water, but it REALLY looks like he is standing right in it. Just a goofy picture.

Kindergarten started a few weeks ago. So far Zach loves it. So far I love it. We were lucky enough to be at the only school in the district (as far as I know) that gives everyone full day kindergarten every day. I'm not complaining.

Becky and Dad were also there to see him off.

And then there's the fence issue.

Well, the story from the beginning: When we moved into our house there a fence in a small part of our back yard that cut into our yard. There was an old, yucky, half dead tree at the corner of the lot that someone decided to start on fire. It burnt the fence at the corner of our yard. Someone put up a new fence, but not in the original place. It surrounded the dead tree so you couldn't see the base of it, or the burnt up fence behind.

We cut the tree down for Mother's Day. That was my present.

Then we stacked the wood from the tree. We won't run out of wood any time soon.

But, here is the problem. The wood pile was exposed to the kids that walk past every day. There is a drainage canal behind our house and it is a great short cut for school kids of all ages. I was worried that some other intelligent kid would start that big wood pile on fire.

I got some old fence sections for free. My father in law helped me haul them to where they needed to be.

Then they sat there for a month.

Then I fixed the fence.

Or at least I tried to. This is how it will be until some muscles come and fix it properly. I bet you weren't aware of my awesome fence building skillz.


Olivia said...

wow. between that fence and the neckid kid that runs around your neighbors yard, you would think you live in podunk, mississippi. but, I couldn't have done any better building a fence. Whatever works, right?!

ZAC said...

that is ONE DEMENTED FENCE! haha! Yay for school---especially full day school.