Thursday, March 15, 2012

POTW 11-Angle Change

My awesome friend gave me some picture advice on Saturday. So, with ladder in hand I tried some different angles of the yard. Also, the driveway really doesn't need to be included since there isn't any snow now (and it's not a very pretty driveway). So, here's the old angle, taken today (small change, I was on the ladder today, wasn't before):

Now here's new angle A:

Here's new angle B:

I'm pretty sure I've confirmed any suspicions my neighbors have about me.  I'm weird.  I go stand out in the street every week and take a picture of my house.  Yep, I'm THAT neighbor.  Don't forget to check my garden blog.

What do you think of the change?  Which do you like best?  (Including the original angle).


Audra said...

My vote is Angle A (or the one in the middle????)!!!!!

violyngirl said...

Vote from Olivia: angle A
