Friday, March 23, 2012

POTW 12-No Girls Allowed

Zach's door:

The little orange sign can be turned around (it's on a christmas tree hook) when girls can be admitted.
And in case you're wondering, here are the things that are never allowed:
Bags, Shoes, Boots, Caps, Dogs, Cops, Cats, Cheese, Hampsters.

And Asia Night:

Zach had a speaking part last night at school: "New Dehli is the capital of India.  It is located in the northern central part of the country."  He did a perfect job!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Leprechaun Traps

Every household needs one at this time of year:

We've got three in our's:

I have a strange desire to check on Darby O'Gill and his people.

Remember to vote below...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

POTW 11-Angle Change

My awesome friend gave me some picture advice on Saturday. So, with ladder in hand I tried some different angles of the yard. Also, the driveway really doesn't need to be included since there isn't any snow now (and it's not a very pretty driveway). So, here's the old angle, taken today (small change, I was on the ladder today, wasn't before):

Now here's new angle A:

Here's new angle B:

I'm pretty sure I've confirmed any suspicions my neighbors have about me.  I'm weird.  I go stand out in the street every week and take a picture of my house.  Yep, I'm THAT neighbor.  Don't forget to check my garden blog.

What do you think of the change?  Which do you like best?  (Including the original angle).

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Can you guess what's going on with this Barbie?

No, I'm not talking about her male-pattern baldness (an issue we should address) or her need for a better wardrobe.  I found her on the floor.  She's pregnant.  Can you see it?

Scroll down for another post:

I'm GardenBlogArific

Click over there (top right) to see what I posted on my garden blog.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

POTW 9 and Big Changes

 It did snow this week over the other snow.  Then it melted.  There have been LOTS of changes in the past week.  The sun is SUDDENLY much higher in the sky.  Our cul-d-sac is almost completely melted all by it's self!  Birds are chirping.  It's still cold most days but spring is coming!
My first crocus of the year has popped up!

PS Its starting to snow...