Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How To Start Your Day

Zach likes to do Yoga in the morning. He makes me do it with him. This morning Becky was up too, so we all did it together. Didn't last for long though...Becky wanted to sit on my lap!

The kids for Easter.
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Olivia said...

haha. That's so cute! My kids don't let me excersize for long either.

Kerri said...

Rachel never let me work out. I had to do it when she was asleep or otherwise entertained. But when I did daycare, those kids did it with me.....sort of.

Love how cute they were for Easter (and are every day).

ZAC said...

Kids know when we are trying to do those things that matter most to us and they always want to join in the fun, not realizing they are sabotaging our attempts ;) As for the jam making: I wish I were home with the strawberries priced so cheap but of course I wasn't! Next time.