Monday, January 5, 2009

Catching Up

We went on vacation. 3 days with no kids. It was...quiet. It was also really hard to sleep-in. We tried.

I am not exactly a skiing ace. Here is how cool I am:

Here is how studly Ryan is:

But we had fun. Our feet still hurt, but we had fun!

There was this dude wearing a chicken suit boarding down the mountain. Very interesting.

The kids got along with my parents swimmingly. They were so well behaved. Maybe they should have stayed longer. I should ask how much tuition is to the "Rogers House of Obedience".

I am feeling a little rebellious today. I ate a big fat plate of nachos for lunch. Translation: I'm allergic to corn and I ate a big plate of anaphylactic shock. Nothing has happened to me yet. Maybe I'll try a nice loaf of wheat bread next week. How accurate can those blood tests really be?

And bytheway...I'm sitting on my foot RIGHT NOW.
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Brent Taylor said...


Given how insidious corn is in our products, food and otherwise, and it's presence in your diet over 20 years, maybe it simply suffices to give your body as much of a break as possible -- by abstaining and/or just paying attention to the presence of corn and other allergens.

That is, "moderation in all things." Moderation allows for getting naughty with the nachos.

Glad you had a nice vacation.

Olivia said...

You are so funny! Glad you had a good time. I am so jealous that you got to get away for a while! We will get to do that someday! Atleast, that's the rumor ;)